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Contributing members
Professor Prashant Kumar*, Yendle Barwise, Arvind Tiwari, Fahad Rafi Butt

Please complete our opinion survey on HedgeDATE: https://forms.office.com/r/h8QMQFhaHa

To cite HedgeDATE or for background on the science behind the tool: Barwise, Y., Kumar, P., Tiwari, A., Rafi-Butt, F., McNabola, A., Cole, S., Field, B. C. T., Fuller, J., Mendis, J., Wyles, K. (2021). The co-development of HedgeDATE, a public engagement and decision support tool for air pollution exposure mitigation by green infrastructure. Sustainable Cities & Society, 75, 103299. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2021.103299

Disclaimer: Information provided by the HedgeDATE tool is necessarily generic, is based on assumptions drawn from past and ongoing scientific research, and should not be understood as representative of any individual circumstances. Further guidance and, where necessary, case-specific advice should be sought. All projections and recommendations are made without guarantee on the part of the HedgeDATE team. The HedgeDATE team disclaim any liability in connection with the use of this tool or related content.
*Contact: Founding Director, Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE); p.kumar@surrey.ac.uk
©GCARE, University of Surrey
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